Deal With
Weight Gain After Gastric Bypass Surgery
Weight gain after gastric bypass surgery is an emotional and physical setback, but it doesn't have to be the end of the world. Getting support and using creative ways to renew the commitment to losing weight can successfully get you back on the track to losing pounds.
1. Analyze and identify what is triggering the weight gain. Weight loss surgery is just the first step in gaining control of weight. Weight gain after gastric bypass surgery is often triggered by factors that contributed to the original weight gain.
2. Obtain support. Support can be found at weight loss support groups, gastric bypass support groups, online forums, one-on-one counseling or through peer support from other gastric bypass patients.
3. Contact the gastric bypass surgery center and inquire about assistance. Most surgery centers are staffed with personnel that can provide assistance and guidance with weight gain after surgery.
4. Implement a weight-loss plan to tackle the weight gain. The plan should include regular exercise, healthy food choices following the gastric bypass surgery guidelines and ongoing support.
5. Devise a system to recognize weight gain triggers and a plan to deal with the triggers when they occur. Having a plan in place with alternative behaviors and responses to choose from can help minimize or eliminate excessive eating that leads to weight gain.
6. Maintain hope and persistence. Its said that it takes 21 days to make a new habit and a thousand days to master it. Take it one day at a time.