Friday, October 30, 2015

Download Songs To Itunes

Apple iTunes is a free, easy-to-use digital media application that plays music and video files. After you download the program from Apple's website, you can browse the giant online music store for songs you want to download to iTunes. You can purchase and download individual songs or entire albums at once. The songs are saved in your iTunes music library and can be transferred to your MP3 player or played through your computer speakers.


1. Using your Internet browser, go to the Apple iTunes website at and click the "Download iTunes" button. Allow the program to download to your computer.

2. Open the iTunes program and customize your account settings. This will include adding your credit or debit card number to be saved for use when you purchase songs to download to your computer.

3. Click on the "Music Store" tab, located at the top left of the iTunes menu. Browse through the selection of music until you find a song or album that you'd like to download for the pre-set price. When you are ready to download, click the "Purchase" button directly to the right of the song or album title. The song or songs will be downloaded to your computer. You can see all the songs you've downloaded by clicking "My Music Library," located on the left side of your iTunes menu.