Friday, October 2, 2015

Buy A Discount Gift Card

The gift card is a glorious thing. It takes all the pressure off finding the "right" gift and allows the person you're giving the gift card to to get what they want. But if you want to be a really smart shopper, then you should buy your gift cards at a discount. That way you give friends and family $100 gift, while only spending $80. Here's how.


1. Check out big buy stores such as Costco and Sam's Club. Whether at their online sites or right in their stores, they sell a bevy of gift cards at a discount. They range from restaurant cards to electronic store cards and more.

2. Bid on online auctions on sites like Ebay. Many people receive gifts that they return to the store later on. Instead of getting cash, they get credit. If they don't want to use the credit at the store, or they'd rather have the cold-hard cash, they list it on Ebay. Bidding is competitive, but you can usually get a gift card about 10 percent off.

3. Use reward points or miles and get those gift cards for free. Credit cards aren't just merely places to charge items anymore, they are a way to get free stuff (even though they charge you an outrageous amount to do it). Airline miles and points can often be exchanged for gift cards. Then give them to your friends and family. That's like giving a great gift for free.

4. Look for the stores themselves to hold gift card sales. Over the years stores have wised up to the fact that many gift cards go unused. Also, many people spend more than the amount on their gift card. This is a win-win situation for the stores. Look for them to offer gift card sales. The most opportune time of year is right after Thanksgiving, as that's when the shopping bonanzas begin.