Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Gas Pain Relief After Surgery

One of the most uncomfortable side effects after surgery is gas pain. Anesthesia given during surgery causes the intestines to relax. After the anesthesia begins to wear off, the intestines wake up producing painful gas bubbles. Using some of these methods after surgery can help relieve painful gas.


After surgery it is important to walk. Anesthesia relaxes the colon and when it begins to wake up, gas bubbles form causing pain. Walking helps to work the gas bubbles down through the intestines where it is then expelled.


Rocking is a method used when walking isn't an option after surgery. If able to, or with the help of a nurse, a person can raise themselves to a sitting position with legs crossed. A pillow is then hugged against the abdomen while gently rocking. The rocking motion helps ease the pain and causes the gas to move through the intestines.


Sometimes gas pains after surgery are so bad that walking and rocking do not help. In such cases a doctor can prescribe gas medication. Mylicon and Mylanta are often used to get rid of gas. They work by allowing gas bubbles to come together making it easier to pass.


On some occasions, after surgery, painful gas builds up and sometimes is accompanied by constipation and cannot be expelled. In order to relieve gas pains and constipation, a nurse will give the patient an enema, which cleans out the colon expelling gas buildup and feces.