Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Bigger Butt Tips

Most people work out to decrease the size of their buttocks. However, a portion of the population wants to increase the size of their butts, giving this body part definition. People want to enlarge their butt because a round, firm butt looks better in jeans and swimwear. Out of desperation, some people opt for a cosmetic procedure in which surgeons add implants to enlarge the butt. Instead of going under the knife, a few simple tips can help people get the rear end they desire. Does this Spark an idea?

Do Step Aerobics

Doing step aerobics is the number one tip for getting a bigger butt. This cardiovascular workout depends on all the muscles in the lower body to lift and lower the body on the step platform. To get the maximum butt workout, squeeze the butt when stepping up and down during the routine. Step aerobics that include squats tone and shape the butt while getting a calorie burn. People can take step classes at local gyms or purchase DVD step workouts. The Firm workout series has some of the best DVDs for creating a bigger, toned butt, and Gin Miller, the creator of step aerobics has lower body DVD workouts. These programs can be found online or at retail stores. Step aerobics can be done four or five times a week.

Perform Squats

Another way to get a bigger butt is to do squats and lunges. Squats work all areas of the butt and thighs. To do butt-firming squats, make sure to do them as if sitting in a chair, squeezing the butt and using the heels to lift and lower the body. Many people place a chair or bench behind them as a reminder to mimic sitting and standing. Plyometric jumps add intensity to this workout. Do three sets that include eight to 10 repetitions.

Do Bridge Exercises

Bridge exercises tighten butt muscles, making the butt look bigger. People do bridge exercises on the floor, with legs shoulder width apart, feet flat on the floor, and palms facing down. Pressing the heels on the floor, exercisers lift their hips off the floor with shoulders planted on the ground. Either pulse the buttock eight times or slowly lower the butt to the starting position. Doing three sets of eight to 10 repetitions at least three times a week works the butt muscles.

Wear the Right Jeans

Until an exercise routine yields results, one of the best bigger butt tips is wearing the right jeans. Many people, especially women, do not wear jeans that flatter their rear ends. The best jeans for people with flat butts are jeans with high or angled back pockets that taper around the legs. These jeans give the illusion of a shapely butt and full hips to a person with a flat butt.