Thursday, May 21, 2015

Can Obese People Do Yoga

Yoga involves focused movement and mental relaxation.

Yoga is a Hindu discipline that stretches back to ancient times. Yoga is primarily a spiritual and philosophical endeavor, but today its system of exercises to increase a person's control over body and mind has become popular in modern fitness. Yoga is often associated with stretching and flexibility, but even obese people with a limited range of movement can practice yoga as well. However, consult with a yoga instructor first to avoid doing an exercise incorrectly and injuring your body.


Pranayama refers to a set of breathing exercises. In one exercise, the kapalabhati pranayama, you force air out of your body so that you draw your belly in fully and then allow yourself to inhale air back in passively. Doing this about 60 times per minute for about five minutes each morning on an empty stomach can help reduce obesity, according to Yogic Logic. Another pranayama breathing exercise is known as agnisar kriya. In this exercise, you exhale and hold your breath for five to 10 seconds. While you are holding your breath, pull your stomach inward and then let it loose repeatedly before inhaling again. This exercise is performed five to 10 times daily.


Yoga asanas are simple stretching, bending and posing exercises that help burn body fat. Yogic Logic recommends performing three to four asanas exercises every day after doing pranayama exercises. While most obese people will be limited in the number of asanas exercises they can do, they can gradually increase the intensity and the number of exercises over time. One example of this type of exercise is the trikonasana, which involves standing on the floor with your feet 2 to 3 feet apart and hands loosely hanging on each side. You inhale, raise your right hand to the sky with the palm facing inward and then bending toward your left while exhaling so that your right arm is parallel to the ground. Then slide your left arm down your left leg and try to touch the ground, holding the position for 10 seconds. You then inhale and come back to a starting position, repeating the exercise by shifting to the other side. Obese people should only stretch as much as comfortable to avoid straining the body.

Bikram Yoga

Also known as "hot yoga," bikram yoga has 26 posing exercises that can help with weight loss. Bikram yoga includes poses such as the half moon pose, which involves attempting to touch your feet, and the utkatasana pose, which ends with you half sitting and half standing up. The eagle pose imitates how an eagle stands, and the tuladandasana, or balancing stick, pose involves balancing your body on foot while stretched out. Many of these exercise will be difficult for obese people, so do them the best you can and do not strain your body.

Ananda Yoga

Ananda yoga is a gentle form of yoga that combines asana and pranayama yoga with meditation. Popular with beginners and obese people, it is a gentle form of yoga that is not intensely aerobic. Ananda yoga uses postures to raise spiritual consciousness while being relaxed at all times. Instructors will adapt it to fit the individual.