Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Albuterol Used For Weight Loss

Albuterol is a non-steroidal medication used to treat asthma and COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease). Although it is not a steroid, is does have a stimulant affect similar to many steroids used in fat loss. As a result, websites are promoting the use of Albuterol for weight loss. Talk to your doctor about the risks of using Albuterol for this purpose as it may have serious health risks. Albuterol is not a controlled drug but can still be abused and is still a prescription medication.

Stimulant Effect

The reason Albuterol is used for weight loss is because of the stimulatory affect it has on your metabolism. It raises blood pressure, heart rate and helps the body burn fat. Bodybuilders and wrestlers use Albuterol during the "cutting phase" when they are trying to drop pounds fast to make weight cut-offs.


Using Albuterol for weight loss is not an approved use for this medication. As a result, you may experience worsening asthma symptoms. People who are abusing Albuterol may also become edgy and jittery.

There are serious medical concerns to be aware of if you choose to use Albuterol other than intended. Tachycardia, a very fast heart rate, is one possible side effect, as is high blood pressure. You are increasing your risk of heart attack or stroke if you ignore these symptoms. Albuterol is not recommended for people with thyroid conditions or who have epilepsy or diabetes. Talk to your doctor about your Albuterol use and look for alternatives for weight loss that will not increase other health risks.