Thursday, April 16, 2015

How Movie Stars Get A Flat Stomach Fast

Unlike most people, celebrities can hire a team of personal trainers, nutritionists, and coaches to help them trim down and lean out quickly. Yet lots of people want a six-pack of abdominal muscles to show off, and the strength that comes from having a powerful core. If you want the toned, flat stomachs of your favorite movie stars, simply follow the tips their trainers and nutritionists recommend.

General recommendations for a flat stomach

To get a flat stomach like the stars, you must exercise multiple times each week. You cannot have a flat stomach if you are fat everywhere else. Eat fewer calories and focus on toning and working the entire body. Use every available opportunity to exercise, climbing the stairs instead of using the elevator, or walking to the store instead of driving.

Drink enough water every day. It will help flush toxins from your body (many of which get released during exercise), and will increase your feeling of satiation (fullness). To appear less bloated, avoid foods like beans that cause intestinal gas, and take in less salt, which causes your body to retain water.

Movie star exercise Tips for a flat stomach

Cindy Crawford's personal coach Valerie Waters recommends a combination of circuit training and cardio, doing at least 30 minutes of weight lifting. Also, she suggests using a Swiss ball to perform your exercises, especially the abs, as it will increase the difficulty and engage more muscles (causing more caloric burn). When you hit a plateau, she advises to increase the intensity and/or duration of your workouts.

Nicole Kidman's trainer Jenna Phillips suggests doing 50-to-100 repetitions per set of each exercise, which helps develop long, fine muscles. She also suggests using interval training that blends intense bursts of weight lifting or fast cardio with slower periods of less intensity. This method helps burn maximum calories each workout, which leads to greater weight loss. To help you stay committed, Phillips recommends doing a "fun activity" (like dancing) in place of one day of your weight and cardio training.

Movie star diet tips for a flat stomach

Alicia Silverstone's nutritionist Matt Amsden advises eating only raw food to lose weight. Raw foods contain greater levels of nutrients, helps the body stay hydrated and improves digestion. For rapid weight loss, he suggests following an all-liquid diet of juices for a few days. The fiber in raw foods and in the juice diet will also help increase satiation, leading you to eat less overall.

Phillips suggests eating small meals frequently, say five meals daily, each spread a few hours apart. This will help keep you feeling full and will also keep the insulin levels in your body steady (insulin spikes cause your body to store excess calories as fat). If you want to have dessert, Phillips tells her clients to eat it at lunch, so that they can burn off the calories in the afternoon. For quick weight loss, Waters recommends eliminating all junk food, anything high in sugar, and all processed foods.

Richard Giorla, who advises Jennifer Lopez, suggests eating plenty of protein combined with small portions of carbohydrates at lunch and dinner; if you must eat carbohydrates, pick whole-wheat breads or cereals. If you want to snack, pick nuts and low-glycemic (slow-digesting) fruits like apples and pears.