Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Buy Physical Gold Bullion

Physical gold bullion has been used as an investment for thousands of years.

Buying physical gold bullion is simply a matter of finding gold for sale and making the purchase. There are a number of places to buy physical gold bullion and each offers advantages and disadvantages.

Local Sellers

Local options for buying gold include gold bullion dealers, coins shops and pawn shops. Buying gold locally reduces the risk of being scammed, but prices may be higher than those listed by other sellers.

Online Sellers

The Internet is home to many gold selling businesses and individuals offering physical gold bullion for sale. The Internet sellers all compete against one another on price and services, making it a great place for investors to get a good deal. However, buying online can open an investor to being scammed. Investors should thoroughly research sellers before buying online; one way to do this is through the Better Business Bureau.

Investment Companies

Investment companies offer a number of financial investment instruments that are based on the price of gold. Investors interested in buying physical gold will want to use allocated gold investments. An allocated investment in gold simply means that specific physical gold is sold to the investor and held in storage. Many of these financial instruments allow the investor to take physical delivery of the gold if they so chose.