Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Atenolol Side Effects Muscle Pain

Although the prescription medication Atenolol is generally tolerated well by most people, certain serious side effects may occur. If you experience significant muscle pain while taking Atenolol, you should speak with your doctor immediately.

Prescription medication pills


Atenolol is used to treat chest pain and high blood pressure and is commonly prescribed after an acute heart attack to improve the odds of survival. Atenolol is sometimes prescribed for heart failure, the prevention of migraine headaches and irregular heartbeats.

Mild Side Effects

Side effects of Atenolol are generally mild. These side effects include a slowed heart rate, difficulty sleeping, anxiety, nervousness and drowsiness.

Serious Side Effects

Atenolol may cause severe side effects, such as a severe allergic reaction, fainting, mental changes and jaundice. Extremely severe side effects of Atenolol include muscle pain, cramping and weakness.


If significant muscle difficulties are experienced while taking Atenolol, it is important to seek medical attention immediately. Muscle difficulties include painful cramping or an unusual weakness of the muscles.


If you are experience serious muscle pain while taking Atenolol, you may want to stop taking the medication until you speak with your physician. However, abruptly stopping Atenolol if you have coronary artery disease is dangerous; you will need to reduce your dosage over several weeks.