Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Exercises To Create A Bigger Butt

Getting a shapely back-side takes dedication to training the glute muscles.

Acquiring a shapely, rock-hard butt doesn't happen by diet alone. Nor will running endless miles do much to change the mass and shape of your derriere. Getting a curvaceous butt takes nothing short of dedicated training of the rear end muscles, commonly called the glute muscles.

In order to get those rear assets, you must have a calculated plan of attack to reshape the butt, training frequently and with patience. Changing your butt from flat to curvaceous takes time. Most people have a tendency to train just the muscles that respond quickly to strength training, therefore the glutes are often neglected.

The following three exercises are the key moves that will enhance the glute muscles. They should be performed preferably three times a week, but at least twice a week. For each exercise, perform a range of 10 to 12 repetitions for three sets.

Walking Lunge

The walking lunge movement is a core exercise for strengthening your rear end.

Stand with your feet together with a dumbbell in each hand. Keeping your abs tight and your body controlled, step forward in a lunge with your right foot and lower your knee so that it almost touches the floor. Return to the start position concentrating on pushing through the heel. Alternate legs. Continue alternating legs for a count of 10, which comprises one set. Complete three sets.

Barbell Squat

Considered the king of lower body exercises, the barbell squat will help to build more muscle mass in your glutes.

Stand with your feet shoulder width apart. Grasp a barbell and allow it to rest on the back of your shoulders. Lower your body into a squat with your thighs parallel to the floor. Do not squat so low that your knees extend past your feet. Return to the standing position concentration on pushing through the heel as you rise. Complete three sets of 10 to 12 squats.

Stiff-Legged Deadlift

Add the stiff-legged deadlift move into your glute training to gain a curvaceous rear-end.

Stand with your feet almost together holding a barbell at arms length in front of you. Lower the barbell to the floor by bending at the waist, keeping your legs straight, but without locking the knees. Return to the start position concentrating on lifting through the back of your upper thighs. Complete three sets of 10 to 12 repetitions.

Tips for Success

Tip One: If your goal is to increase the size of your glutes, then you will need to lift relatively heavy weights. Lighter weights and high reps will firm up the muscle you already have, but if you want a bigger butt, you must grow the muscles. So when performing glute-targeting exercises, choose a weight that, after performing about 10 repetitions, causes the leg and butt muscles to feel fatigued.

Tip Two: The large muscles of the backside also need time to recover in between training sessions. Schedule your glute workouts at least two days apart to allow the muscles time to recover before training them again.