Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Advertising Ideas For Plastic Surgeons

Plastic surgeons use many advertising techniques to attract customers.

Many plastic surgeons run practices specializing in cosmetic surgery procedures, and they are always seeking ways to attract new customers. While most people believe they have some sort of physical flaws, they may avoid cosmetic surgery procedures because they are too expensive or risky. There are several advertising methods and ideas that plastic surgeons can use to overcome these obstacles.

Before-and-After Photos

Most plastic surgeons employ this advertising technique, as it is very effective. According to The Healthcare Center, this advertising idea often shows an unhappy customer with exaggerated flaws, such as a spare tire or sagging neck, next to a photo of a smiling, satisfied customer after she has had the procedure. This idea typically works because potential clients with many insecurities can relate to the "before" photo, and they may be motivated to move forward with the plastic surgery to attain the end results of happiness and self-approval.

The Benefits

Cosmetic surgery has many serious risks, such as the risk of a botched job, adverse reactions to anesthesia, infection after the surgery and even death, but people still elect to have these types of procedures performed due to the promise of many life-altering positives. Plastic surgery advertising should focus on the positive outcomes of the surgery. Some examples of cosmetic surgery benefits include higher self-esteem, ability to live a more active lifestyle, and improved dating and career opportunities and prospects. These types of benefits can be easily communicated in simple bullet points on print ads, or by positive, happy scenes on a television or Internet commercial.

Celebrity Endorsement

Many people idolize celebrities and entertainers, and they strive to be more like them. Their lives appear glamorous and exciting, and the assumption is that their reality is based on their good looks. If you are creating a plastic surgery ad, you should look to partner with an attractive celebrity who will endorse and promote your practice. While many celebrities refuse to admit they've undergone cosmetic procedures, others are more open and honest about it. Regular consumers may trust your practice over others if they believe you helped a celebrity attain his current looks, which are seen to have facilitated his success.

Promotional Offers

Most people have to pay for cosmetic procedures out of their own pockets, as their insurance policies do not cover them. Target this group by offering some sort of discount or even a "pay for one procedure and get the second one half-off" promotion. This can help you attract people who would consider paying the expensive cost of surgery if they believe they are getting a good deal.