Friday, September 26, 2014

Butt Enlarging Exercises

A robust, well-toned butt is a sign of an active and fit body. The gluteus maximus is one of the largest muscles in your body, and the way you make a muscle bigger is to work it out, to train it so that it gains shape and contour. There are many ways to do this, from the intensity of step aerobics to the mild and manageable walking workout.

Walk, then run

Walking and running are everyday activities that use your butt muscles. To intensify the workout, walk and run up stairs, and up hills. Perform exercises that works your butt, your hips and your thighs. A trim, narrow waist highlights a toned and well-worked-out butt, so make trimming weight off your waist a focus of your exercise.

Mat Exercises

There are many excellent butt-strengthening exercises you can perform on a mat, including squats, lunges and hip lifts (where you lie on your back, bend your knees and lift your hips off the ground using one leg). Many people enjoy these exercises because they can be performed easily at home during a few spare minutes of the day.

Intense Butt Exercises

Once you've gotten a good handle on the easier-to-perform exercises above, you may wish to step up the intensity. If you have a gym membership, target-train your butt muscles by performing squats with weights, or working the leg press machine. Squats should always be supervised by a friend or preferably a personal trainer. When weight training, it is important to start easy and very gradually work up to heavy weights.

Many gyms also have aerobic exercise equipment that targets the butt muscles. These include stair-stepping machines and elliptical trainers. Also, join a step aerobics class, which is both a great muscular workout and a cardio workout as well.

Sports and Activities

Working out your butt doesn't have to feel like a workout. Many fun activities put plenty of demand on the gluteus, including roller skating, basketball, football, swimming, tennis and snowboarding. Essentially, any activity that requires agile, stop-and-go running or excellent balance will also be an excellent butt workout.