Friday, November 14, 2014

Breakfast Foods To Help Lose Belly Fat

Flat belly

If you juggle the hats of mom, wife, career woman and housekeeper, that leaves you with little time for preplanning healthy family meals and squeezing in daily workouts. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. But, if you're like most busy women, you're lucky if you even get a bagel to go with your coffee. Whittle the waistline that has slowly gained inches over the last few years by eating a nutrient-rich breakfast each morning. Three breakfast ideas can help propel your fat loss and energize you throughout the day.

Almond-Sprinkled Oatmeal

Fuel your day with fresh oatmeal sprinkled with almonds. Oatmeal helps whittle your waistline because it keeps you full until your next proper meal. Say bye-bye to your mid-morning trip to the snack machine and hello to a thinner waistline. Stay away from the instant and flavored kinds because they often contain a heap of added sodium and lose nutrients in the pre-cook factory process. To make oatmeal, bring water to a boil and begin to slowly stir in rolled oats or steel cut oats; ratios should be calculated according to the suggested serving size for your oats. When oatmeal has absorbed most of the water, add a pinch of vanilla extract for taste. Serve in a bowl and sprinkle unsalted almonds on top for an extra kick of protein, fiber and vitamin E.


Vitamin B12 acts as a fat metabolizer. Therefore, if you aren't getting a sufficient amount of B12 in your diet, this may be one of the contributing factors to your inflated tummy. Eggs are a source of both B12 and protein, which are necessary to start off your day on the right foot. According to, researchers at the Louisiana State University found that subjects who ate eggs each day for breakfast lost more weight than those who ate bagels. Cook yourself up an omelet and add red and green peppers to the center. While your omelet is being prepared, add some fiber (it will keep you fuller longer) to your breakfast by toasting a single slice of whole wheat bread. Transfer your omelet and toast to a plate and smear just a tidbit of butter on your toast.

Berry Parfait

Getting your daily dose of dairy at breakfast will help you fit into your itsy-bitsy-teeny-weenie-yellow-polka dot-bikini in no time. Dairy is considered to be the ultimate supply of calcium. Calcium will help you get flat abs because it breaks down fat. Start on your journey to flashing your flat tummy in a bikini by implementing calcium into your daily breakfast by eating a berry parfait. Choose a low-fat yogurt and place one to two spoonfuls into the bottom of a cup. Next, take granola (it can be granola cereal) and place a small handful of granola on top of the yogurt. Then, place a layer of berries over the granola layer. Repeat until you get to the top of your cup. This breakfast is super fortifying and fat-fighting because it is high in fiber and calcium; the yogurt contains the calcium and the berries and granola contain the fiber, which will keep you from snack-machine binging trips throughout the day.