Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Food To Eat To Reduce Gas In The Stomach

The breakdown of undigested food in the colon and the swallowing of air can result in gas in the stomach, according to the National Digestive Diseases Information Clearinghouse (NDDIC). What we choose to eat will directly affect how we feel afterward in many cases. Certain foods digest easily and do not typically cause the gas and bloating that concerns so many people. Eating more of these foods and steering clear of others will go a long way in preventing gas problems. Add this to my Recipe Box.


Starches are one of the most common causes of gas in the intestines and stomach, according to the NDDIC. Pastas, breads and potatoes are among the most powerful culprits that produce gas when they are broken down in the large intestine. Eat rice as a way to enjoy starches without feeling the gas pains later. Rice is the only starch that does not cause gas.


Asparagus causes good bacteria to grow within the intestines when it is eaten, according to Make asparagus a regular part of your diet. Unlike may other green vegetables, asparagus contains the proper nutrients that encourage the growth of bacteria in the intestines that help digest and move food through the colon. This efficient movement and breakdown reduces gas and bloating in the stomach.


Fatty proteins are a big part of the American diet and they are also a major cause of gas and bloating. Eating papaya can help counteract this effect, according to

Papaya contains the enzyme papain, which helps with the digestion of proteins. Pineapple is another delicious option to reduce gas, as it contains the enzyme bromelain. Bromelain is also a digestive aid.


Herbs are a common remedy for digestive disorders, and using the right ones in your meal is certainly a way to reduce gas. Herbs that fend off stomach bloating and gas are called carminative herbs, according to Some of the more common carminative herbs include oregano, thyme, coriander, allspice, cinnamon, dill, peppermint, ginger and cloves. Adding any of these types of herbs to your diet will help in reducing bloating and gas.

What not to Eat

According to the NDDIC, stay away from foods high in the types of sugar that cause gas. Beans, cabbage, broccoli, milk, onions, soft drinks, apples and prunes are all examples of what not to eat when trying to avoid stomach gas. Starches such as potatoes and pasta should be avoided, as should foods high in soluble fiber. Chew food thoroughly and eat slowly to reduce the chances of excess gas in the stomach.