Friday, October 17, 2014

Desk Exercises Using Flat Resistance Exercise Bands

Working long hours at a desk can wreak havoc on your back, causing pain and possibly permanent damage. Prolonged sitting can also cause weight gain and muscle loss. However, even while sitting at your desk, it is possible to incorporate a short workout into your day to keep your body fit. Using resistance bands in these exercises at your desk can keep muscles toned and supple.

Upper Body

Resistance bands can be used to strengthen the upper body. Resistance exercises for the arms use short, slow motions to work the muscles and burn calories. Wrap your resistance band around the back of your chair and hold the two loose ends. Push your arms out forward at chest level away from the body to work your pectoral muscles and your biceps. Do 2 to 3 sets of 12 to 15 repetitions each. To increase the size of your biceps, place the resistance band under your chair with the two loose ends sticking out. Sitting in the chair and with your back straight, hold the two loose ends in your hands. Hold your arms so that they are hanging over the side of the chair and slowly bend at the elbows, bringing your hands up towards your shoulders. Repeat 12 to 15 times. Keep the movements slow and smooth; make sure not to jerk your arms.

Lower Body

Use your resistance bands to strengthen and stretch your legs. Place the resistance band under your feet and hold a loose end in each hand. Lift your feet off the floor and bring your bent knees up towards your chest. Holding on to the resistance band, straighten your legs so that the resistance band is taut. Extend the legs until they are straight then return slowly to the starting position. This will work the hamstring muscles and quadriceps and also stretches the gluts. Perform 2 to 3 sets with 12 to 15 repetitions each.


When using your exercise bands, it is important to follow some safety rules. Before using the resistance band, check to make sure there are not any holes or rips in it. This is important especially if you are wrapping the band around your chair, as the added stress may cause the band to break. When wrapping the band around any abrasive surface, such as the back of your chair, you may wish to place a soft piece of cloth or a towel underneath the band to keep from damaging the band. Before performing your exercise, make sure the band is securely in place to keep it from coming loose and hitting you.