Monday, October 20, 2014

Diets For People Who Had Gastric Bypass

The gastric bypass procedure is the most frequent weight loss surgery performed in the U.S., according to the Mayo Clinic. During this procedure, a surgeon changes the layout of the digestive system, which reduces the amount of food the stomach can hold. If the patient eats too much, he may experience unpleasant symptoms such as diarrhea or vomiting. After the procedure has been completed, the patient should understand the diet restrictions for the coming weeks.

Gastric Bypass Liquid Diet

The first few days after gastric bypass surgery, the patient will be given small amounts of clear fluids. This allows the stomach staples to heal. After a few days, the doctor will introduce semi-solid and liquid foods such as broth and juice without added sugar. Milk and creamy soups that have been strained may also be eaten. Sugar-free gelatin is another good option.

When consuming liquids, drink three ounces or less at a time. This will avoid adding too much pressure to the stomach staples.

Ground Up Foods

After liquids are tolerated for a few days, the Mayo Clinic recommends eating ground-up or pureed foods. Choose foods that are lean, low calorie and have very little texture. Try ground beans, egg whites, yogurt, cooked vegetables, soft fruits and ground fish. After mashing the food, blend with a liquid such as: water, fat-free milk or broth.

During this time, stay away from spicy foods, which can upset the digestive system.

Solid Foods

Solid foods can be introduced after the eight week mark. Avoid foods with a crunchy texture such as granola, tough meats, breads and popcorn. Try eating firm foods that don't have a fibrous feel, introducing a single food at a time.

Other Diet Tips

Talk with your doctor about taking a vitamin supplement, since vitamin deficiencies are possible after surgery. Also, drink eight cups of fluid each day to avoid dehydration. It's also important to eat your food very slowly. Eating and drinking too quickly can cause vomiting, diarrhea and dizziness.