Thursday, October 16, 2014

Definition Of Recruitment & Selection

Recruitment and hiring

Recruitment and selection refers to the chain and sequence of activities pertaining to recruitment and selection of employable candidates and job seekers for an organization. Every enterprise, business, start-up and entrepreneurial firm has some well-defined employment and recruitment policies and hiring procedures. The human resources department of large organizations, businesses, government offices and multilateral organizations are generally vested with the responsibilities of employee recruitment and selection.

Macro Human Resources Management Strategy

The HR department charts out the macro or long-term human resources development strategy of an organization. Keys to this strategy are the processes and initiatives related to recruitment and selection of new employees; these are carefully intertwined with the long-term corporate objectives and goals of the organization. Top management also gives valuable input and makes suggestions about expectations for the skills and qualities new employees need to have.

Defining Job Openings and Available Positions

The first process of any recruitment and selection program is defining the needs and requirements for new workers and professionals for outlined job positions and openings. Carefully devised and developed roles, responsibilities, skill sets and qualifications are defined and the job postings placed in recruitment ads in various media. Large workforce organizations also work with staffing agencies, HR contractors and online job portals to outsource certain employee requirements.

Evaluation Period

A rigorous process of evaluation follows the recruitment ads placement phase. Curriculum vitas (CVs) and resumes of various candidates applying for the jobs are screened, classified and filtered. Interviews are scheduled with the earmarked candidates. As per specific organizational policies, written tests may be conducted. Face-to-face interviews are conducted and job seekers and candidates evaluated on various parameters and organizational metrics.

Selection Process

Reference checks and detailed background checks are carried out to verify facts and matters presented in resumes and CVs. Follow-ups are done with certain selected candidates to firm up the hiring process. A thorough evaluation of the defined skill sets and qualifications of shortlisted candidates, their written materials and work samples is done again in a transparent and objective manner. Additional interviews or final interviews are conducted during this last stage of recruitment and the hiring decision is finalized.

Induction Process

Once the chosen candidates have been informed of their selection for the job postings, they are granted offer letters and apprised briefly about their roles and responsibilities. During this process, the chosen candidates are encouraged to ask questions about organization philosophies, work culture and employee practices. They are the informed about start dates, induction programs, compensation packages and other details about their jobs.