Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Care For A Doberman'S Skin

Care for a Doberman's Skin

Doberman pinschers are a breed of large dogs used as guard dogs and as guide dogs. The coat of a Doberman is usually short and easy to maintain. But if the dog is nor bred well or groomed properly, or if its diet is incorrect, a Doberman can develop skin problems like acne, rashes and dandruff. Proper diet and grooming solve most skin problems.


1. Feed the Doberman food appropriate for its age whether puppy, adult or senior. Choose high-quality dog food that has the vitamins and nutrients a dog needs for healthy skin. Dog food specifically for Dobermans or organic dog food ares examples of high-quality dog foods.

2. Give the Doberman a fatty acid supplement regularly. Just as humans need omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, so do dogs. A chewable tablet helps to keep the Doberman's coat soft and shiny and the skin healthy inside and out. This helps to cut down on rashes and itchiness.

3. Brush the Doberman's coat a few times each week. This helps to maintain and clean the coat. It also stimulates the production of natural oils which lubricate the skin and keep it soft.

4. Bathe the Doberman every few months. Wash the dog in a bathtub using dog shampoo or shampoo for people. Scrub the shampoo into the dog's coat and skin. Rinse thoroughly to remove all traces of the shampoo.

5. Rub the Doberman down with a dry, clean towel. The Doberman's coat air-dries very quickly and will be completely dry in about one hour.