Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Fitness Vibration Plate Dangers

Fitness vibration plates are one of the latest fads from the exercise industry, acting to tone muscles through concentrated vibrations while exercising using more traditional means. As with everything, use of a vibration plate has both pros and cons, so know the risks before setting out to exercise on one of these devices.

Lower Back Pain

The vibrations from the plate can, over time, potentially aggravate the stabilizing muscles of the lumbar spinal region, resulting in lower back pain.

Cartilage Damage

Prolonged use of the vibration plate can potentially result in damage to the cartilage between joints, as it will be subject to mild but sustained trauma as a result of the action.

Vision and Hearing Damage

The sensitive organs or the eyes and ears can also be at risk, as the vibration can eventually produce hearing loss through disruption of the tiny bones in the ears or blurred vision through microtrauma to the eyes.

Brain Damage

The repeated shaking could also be problematic for the health of your brain, resulting in brain damage after long periods of sustained use.