Monday, February 2, 2015

Cover Facial Scars

Use makeup to cover facial scars.

Acne scars or other facial scars can make people extremely self-conscious. Unlike scars on other areas of the body, facial scars are noticeable every time you look in the mirror. Covering facial scars with makeup is usually not difficult. Softening the look of scars can be accomplished by using the right concealing products and techniques. Does this Spark an idea?


Steps to Covering Facial Scars

1. Moisturize your skin with a moisturizer designed for facial care. If you have sensitive skin around your facial scars, make sure you choose a moisturizer that will not irritate your skin.

2. Apply facial primer before applying makeup. Primer is used to fill in fine lines and even up skin tones.

3. Apply foundation that matches your skin tone. You will achieve better coverage by choosing a high quality matte foundation. You can apply the foundation on your face and neck using your fingertips or a sponge applicator.

4. Cover scar with concealer. Place concealer on ring finger or sponge applicator and lightly spread over the scarred area. Blend concealer using finger tips or applicator for a natural look. Make sure you do not choose a concealer that is darker than your skin tone. The darker color will draw more attention to the scarred area.

5. Finish off your makeup application by lightly dusting your face with loose or pressed powder. Apply the powder using a specially designed makeup brush. Cover your entire face and neck to blend in makeup.