Monday, February 9, 2015

Dj For Free

The basics of DJing are simple but becoming a master takes practice.

Becoming a DJ for free is quite easy using free DJ software. The software allows the DJ the same functionality of a mixer, turntables and effects without having to physically own them. There are several popular free DJ software programs, including Mixxx, Virtual DJ, UltraMixer and Kramixer. The programs offer similar functionality and can mimic all real DJ equipment can. This allows the amateur DJ to mix great music professionally at parties and events.


1. Download a free copy of a DJ program.

2. Install the DJ software on the computer.

3. Open the software program. All the free DJ programs have very similar interfaces and functionality. The program will have a mixer, two turntables, or decks, effects panel, volume controls and other tools. The program will also have a library or playlists where music files are stored and accessed.

4. Import music files into the program. The files can be dragged in or imported using that function. Drag two files into the two decks of the program. These files will be part of a mix.

5. Slide the fader 100 percent to the first track. Play the track. Experiment with the effects and tools of the program. Start playing the second track and slide the fader over to the second track slowly. This is mix tracks. Practice mixing tracks and learn the intricacies of each program and your skill as a DJ will improve.

6. Create a mix. A mix is a selection of tracks the DJ mixes together. The mix will be used to market the DJ's talents. A good mix will help the DJ acquire work. Create mixes for different audiences and genres. The mix should be between a half hour to an hour.

7. DJ at parties and for friends. Tell the world you are a DJ and start practicing your skills every chance you get. DJing at parties will help you get exposure.

8. Copy the mix to CDs. Distribute the mix to club promoters and club owners where you want to play. If they like the mix they may book you. Talk to other DJs and ask for advice and see if they can help get you a gig. Create a website or post the mixes online so that others can sample your skills.