Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Dyna Band Exercises

The Dyna Band is a large rubber band that can help build muscle in your arms, legs and midsection. The Dyna Band works by creating tension using your own body weight. Exercises can be done in the comfort of your own home.


Three arm exercises with the Dyna Band are the triceps press down, bicep curls and the forearm flexor. Do each of these exercises in sets of 10 repetitions and work up to three sets.

For the triceps press down, grab both ends of the Dyna Band and place the center of the band at the back of your neck. Hold your elbows and forearms at a 90-degree angle from your body. Slowly rotate your arms down, keeping your elbows tight to your sides.

For bicep curls, put your right foot on one end of the band and grab the other end with the right hand. Start with your elbow at your side and keep your arm at a 90-degree angle. Raise the band all the way up and touch your shoulder. Repeat on left side.

The forearm flexor is similar to the bicep curl. Sit on a chair or bench and step on one end of the band. Lay your arm palm-up on top of your thigh. Holding the band, raise your wrist and then lower it. Unlike in the bicep curl, you move only your wrist and not your entire arm.


The Dyna Band can boost your abdominal crunches. Do two sets of 10 reps for each of these exercises.

Abdominal curls with the Dyna Band are done like a basic ab curl. This time, however, place the Dyna Band lengthwise under your body when you lay down. Grab one end with both hands behind the head, keeping the elbows pointed out. Raise your head and curl up. The band should be stretching with you, creating extra tension to increase the activity for the abs.

For reverse ab curls, lay on your back and pull your knees up. Place the band on your knees facing you, holding the ends in your hands. Slowly bring your knees as close as you can to your chest. Keep your arms straight and tight to create the full tension needed for the exercise. Slowly return your knees to the starting position.


The standing leg curl will help strengthen your calves. Do 10 repetitions on each leg.

Face a wall and tie the ends of the band together to make a loop. Put one side of the loop around your left foot and the other around the Achilles heel of your right foot. Slowly bring your right foot up to get the heel as high as possible. Try for a 90-degree angle or higher.