Monday, February 9, 2015

Disinfect A Pessary

Your doctor will show you use your pessary.

Pessaries are devices inserted vaginally to help support a prolapsed uterus, bladder or vagina. They are donut-shaped and may be plastic or rubber. Some women who experience urinary incontinence may find relief with a pessary. Your doctor may instruct you to wear it for a week, two weeks or a month, before removing it. Other women find that they are more comfortable removing it every night. Disinfect your pessary each time you remove it. Your doctor may recommend a specific cleansing solution; However, most women disinfect their pessaries using ordinary soap and water.


1. Hold the pessary under warm, running water for several seconds to rinse it.

2. Apply a dime-size amount of soap to a washcloth. The type of soap you use is not important.

3. Scrub the entire pessary with the soapy washcloth gently.

4. Rinse the pessary thoroughly with warm water.

5. Dry the pessary with a lint-free towel.

6. Scrub your hands well with soap and water.