Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Do A Corn Maze

Walking through a corn maze is fun, but can be confusing.

Navigating your way through a maze can be difficult enough on paper or on your computer screen, but walking your way through a corn maze can be even more challenging. Farms across the U.S. may look to make extra money by creating a maze for visitors to stroll through once the fields have been harvested and they can afford to cut down the stalks. If you like puzzles and love the outdoors, find your way to the nearest corn maze and spend a few hours traipsing through the fields.


1. Check in with the person running the corn maze. He will likely provide you with a map of the maze you can refer to in case you get too turned around and an estimate of how long it takes to complete the maze. He'll also tell you the rules of the maze, such as whether you can bring in food and drinks and what other items you're allowed to carry with you.

2. Enter the maze and follow the wall of corn. By harvest time, cornstalks may reach 7 or 8 feet high; you won't be able to judge where you are while in the maze. Take note of any bridges or place markers the maze's designer erected along the path.

3. Make only right or left turns unless you reach a dead end. The idea behind this strategy is that it should lead you in a circle back to the entrance. If you find yourself lost, refer to the map to help you find your way out of the corn maze.