Monday, October 13, 2014

Childbirth Pain Relief

Labor pain varies from one woman to the next. Most women opt for some type of pain relief during delivery, while others use natural methods to manage pain. Childbirth pain relief options include epidurals, spinal blocks, IV infusions, injections or natural pain relief.


A common method of childbirth pain relief is an epidural. This procedure involves a nurse or physician placing a catheter in your back, which sends medication to the lower portion of the body continually. The medications used usually are a combination of narcotic and local anesthetics. An epidural takes time to work and does not alleviate all pain.

Spinal Block

A spinal block is similar to an epidural. However, the medication is administered all at once instead of being administered continuously. This method blocks pain completely and is often used for Cesearean-section deliveries.

Combined Epidural with Spinal Block

This method allows for immediate pain relief with a continuous flow of medication that is available when/if the spinal block wears off.

IV Infusions or Injections

Some women may choose to receive medications through an IV or by injection. Typically, they will be given some type of narcotic and possibly a tranquilizer to make the birth process easier. These medications will not completely stop pain sensations, but usually make them more bearable.

Natural Pain Relief

Many women opt to manage pain naturally. One popular method used to control pain consists of special breathing patterns and visualization of a soothing place. Changing positions (sitting, standing, lying down), massage and hypnosis are other possible ways to manage pain.