Thursday, December 18, 2014

Catholic Youth Group Ideas

Road signs can symbolize the different problems that may present themselves in life and can be a good teaching aid.

Most Catholic parishes have an organized youth group for teenagers and young adults. The groups provide a casual environment where youths can come and talk about God and meet other people with similar interests. Though most meetings do not have a specific minute-by-minute schedule, many times the youth group leader plans fun activities or games that can teach God's lessons.

Bible Trivia Quiz

One activity that can be both fun and challenging is a Bible trivia quiz. If there is a mix of different ages in attendance it may be fairer to divide the participants into smaller groups. It is important not to set the quiz up like one that the group might take in school but rather in a way that is fun and maybe similar to a game show. Questions should be picked that are challenging to all age groups but not too difficult for the youngest of members. Questions such as "What is the shortest/longest verse in the Bible?", would be something that is relevant to any age. Interesting questions, such as "What book in the Bible does not mention the word 'God'?", can be an interesting fact that can be learned.

Banana Surgery

Banana Surgery is an interactive activity designed to teach a Catholic youth group about the fragility of the bonds we build in life. To symbolize this idea, the group leader should divide up the participants into smaller groups. Each group will receive a banana that has been cut into eight different pieces and mixed up. The group will spend a period of time attempting to put the banana back together in its exact form. Because of nature of the banana it will be difficult to successfully put back together, much like a severed relationship with God or our family and friends.

Lessons with Road Signs

The trials and tribulations of life can be another subject of study for a Catholic youth group. These difficulties can be symbolized using a variety of recognizable road signs that can be assigned to the group. The road signs can symbolize certain events that present themselves in life, as well as teach the word of God. For example, a "yield" sign can advise thinking a problem through before proceeding to a resolution. A "no U-turn" sign can represent a person's refusal to turn back to sin once he rejects it; John 8:11 can be read to illustrate this idea.