Wednesday, December 24, 2014

How Long Do You Drink Protein Supplements After A Gastric Bypass

Gastric bypass surgery changes the route of digestion, which limits the patient's ability to consume food -- causing weight loss. After surgery, the patient will be required to follow a strict diet, which includes drinking protein supplements until they are three weeks post-surgery. Proteins supplements are easy to digest and aid in tissue repair, according to Duke University.

How Long to Drink Protein Supplements

The first few days after surgery will involve drinking clear fluids only, according to Duke University. After the patient leaves the hospital (2-3 days after surgery), protein supplements will be introduced. The patient will drink two ounces of protein supplements every 60 minutes (expect while sleeping). If the patient becomes thirsty and has already consumed two ounces of protein liquids, she can drink a couple sips of a reduced calorie beverage that isn't carbonated.

Duke University recommends that gastric bypass patients consume protein supplements the first three weeks after surgery.

How Much Protein to Consume

According to Duke University, gastric bypass patients should choose a protein supplement that has 30 grams or less of sugar and a minimum of 10 grams of protein (per eight ounce servings). If the protein supplement is powered, you can add milk (instead of water) to increase the amount of protein in the drink.

When to Start Solids

At your three week post-surgery appointment, your doctor will likely recommend starting solids again. Choose foods that are high in protein and low in fat at calories. In the beginning, select soft foods (like cooked vegetables and fruit) which are easy for the body to digest. Eat small amounts of food to avoid putting pressure on the staples in the abdominal.

Also, talk with your doctor about vitamin consumption. During the "protein phase" of the gastric bypass diet, Duke University explains patients may have vitamin deficiencies. Taking a chewable multi-vitamin (which is easier on the body to digest), should take care of these deficiencies. When choosing a vitamin, make sure it has 400 mcg of folic acid and 18 grams of iron.