Tuesday, December 16, 2014

How Get My Records For Medicaid Coverage

People on Medicaid can requiest records of their coverage from the government.

Medicaid is federal health insurance coverage for Americans that are experiencing financial issues. Under the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act, or HIPAA, all Americans who receive Medicaid have the right to see the extent and details of their Medicaid coverage. If you ever want to see your Medicaid records or a profile of your coverage, you can perform a number of tasks that will give you or a third party your records.


1. Determine the time frame you want for your records. You can receive your entire Medicaid coverage, or you can ask for specific months and years.

2. Determine if you want your records to be sent to you electronically. Medicaid institutes can send you your Medicaid coverage and history by email only if the documents are under 25 pages long.

3. Contact your state's Department of Health. State health departments work with the federal Medicaid program. You can contact these departments by phone or mail to ask them to send your Medicaid coverage records to you.

4. Fill out a general Medicaid release form. The Department of Health will either mail or email you a form that you need to fill out to properly release the records. The form requires your Medicaid ID number, your address, and what specifics you want from your Medicaid record.

5. Fill out a form to release your records to a third party. You need to address this letter to your state's health department. The form usually contains information about the third party and what parts of your Medicaid coverage you want to be released.